The Link to X-Ray Protein Crystallography

A. Crystal Production

(wet lab)

  1. Production
  2. Purification
  3. Crystallisation



B. Data Collection

(x-ray lab)

  1. Mounting
  2. Shooting
  3. Detection


C. Structure Solution

(computer lab)

  1. Indexing
  2. Integration
  3. Scaling
  4. Phasing
  5. Building
  6. Refinement
  7. Validation
  8. Publication

Data Collection

A focused monochromatic x-ray beam is diffracted by the protein crystal creating a pattern of reflections that hit the detector.

Simon's Crystallography Toolbox (practically minded, by Kolstoe)

Mission / Organisations / Trivia / Links / Florian Fisch / 16 June 2009